x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

After 23 days of rallying and peaceful picketing, workers at Tiger Palace Casino in Bhairahawa, Lumbini, Nepal, have negotiated an agreement with management that ensures fair compensation and reinstatement of their jobs. This resolution, reached on 16 August, came after repeated failed negotiations and mediation attempts, including by the Labour Office in Butwal, and it shows the workers’ resolve in standing up for their rights. Workers are members of the Casino Workers Union (CWU), affiliated with the Nepal Tourism, Hotel, Restaurant, Casino and Allied Workers (NTHRCWU). 

Throughout over three weeks of concerted union action, workers faced union-busting tactics and the hiring of replacement labour, but they remained united. Their persistence pressured management to return to the negotiating table and agree to the union’s conditions. 

“Justice has been served through our collective union action. The management’s offer addresses our demands, ensuring compensation and the continuation of our work. We are now more committed to our duties than ever before,” Roshan Gurung, President of the Tiger Palace Casino Union/CWU, said. 

Mr. Ishwor Pandey, a union member, said, “The management has recognized the value of workers and addressed our concerns. We are truly happy with the outcome.” 

Women in the workforce played a critical role in the strike, standing up against both workplace and gender bias. Raksha Poudel, a union member and worker at the casino, said, “Women stood strong in this union action, and now we have achieved justice. I am proud and will continue my work with dignity.” 

Similarly, Ms. Pratikchha Pandey, another union member and croupier at the casino, remarked, “I am happy that our voices were heard, and our issues resolved. I thank our union and its leadership for this achievement.” 

Mr. Khem Raj Khadka, Central President of CWU/NTHRCWU, said, “This union action is a testament to the ongoing labour struggle, which is essential for achieving justice. Together we win; divided, we beg. We will strengthen our union to benefit everyone, including the management.” 

UNI Asia & Pacific Regional Secretary Rajendra Acharya  pointed to the broader significance of the agreement, saying, “Workers’ victory underscores the power of collective action in achieving fair labour practices and sets a positive example of an outcome that benefits everyone.” 



UNI Asia & Pacific