{"id":9983,"date":"2022-01-26T13:33:24","date_gmt":"2022-01-26T12:33:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/uniglobalunion.org\/?post_type=news&p=9983"},"modified":"2023-03-29T15:43:24","modified_gmt":"2023-03-29T13:43:24","slug":"e-commerce-couriers-in-turkey-hold-sectors-biggest-strike","status":"publish","type":"news","link":"https:\/\/uniglobalunion.org\/news\/e-commerce-couriers-in-turkey-hold-sectors-biggest-strike\/","title":{"rendered":"E-commerce couriers in Turkey hold sector\u2019s biggest strike"},"content":{"rendered":"

***UPDATE 28\/01\/2022 *** – Workers have reportedly won\u00a0a 38.8 per cent pay rise after meeting with company management on the third day of the strike. More details coming soon.\u00a0<\/p>\r\n

Couriers working for Trendyol \u2013 Turkey\u2019s largest e-commerce company \u2013 are on strike for a fair pay rise, sick pay, paid time off, better conditions and workers\u2019 participation in decision-making.<\/p>\r\n

Organizing through networks and\u00a0social media, thousands of couriers \u201chave turned off the engine\u201d with deliveries reported to have dropped by 70 per cent.<\/p>\r\n

Despite the cold weather and snow, couriers are also taking action across Turkey including\u00a0a protest\u00a0in front of Trendyol\u2019s headquarters in Istanbul.<\/p>\r\n

As inflation spirals in Turkey, with the official figure at 36 per cent, the couriers have rejected a pay increase of only 11 per cent from the company.<\/p>\r\n

\u201cSome of our colleagues get injured and even die in work accidents. We take all the risks, and we even risk our lives to earn a living for our families. The company is making record profits over our tireless work but it is offering us a pay rise which is way lower than the inflation. We demand a fair pay policy and a pay rise that would cover the loss we have due to inflation and increasing operational costs,\u201d<\/em>\u00a0said one courier.<\/p>\r\n

Trendyol, which distributes around 1 million packages a day, employs 12,000 workers and relies on around 730,000 \u201cbusiness partners\u201d to carry out deliveries. Workers use their own cars or motorbikes, cover all related costs, pay their own healthcare and security charges, and get paid for each parcel they deliver. To make a liveable wage, couriers need to meet unreasonable delivery quotas which lead to long working hours of 12 to 15 hours a day and a higher risk of work accidents.<\/p>\r\n

Trendyol couriers can neither join a union nor bargain collectively as they are not considered as workers by the Turkish union law. According to reports, the company is trying to break the strike through intimidation and threats, and temporarily hiring workers from other companies to replace them.<\/p>\r\n

Couriers demand:<\/p>\r\n