🌟 Get ready for day one of our Congress! 🌍 

The excitement is building for the first day of our Congress, and we’re thrilled to give you a sneak peek into today’s action-packed agenda!

📚 The programme (times are subject to change) 📚

⏰ 9am

Approval of the Agenda and Standing Orders

Elections to the Credentials and Resolutions Committee


Session on Building Union Power For All begins with keynote speech by Christy Hoffman, UNI Global Union General Secretary.

⏰ 10:05 am

Building Union Power for All session continues with panel discussion featuring nearly 30 organizers and union leaders on how they’re using global agreements to organize and win. We’ll also be giving out the Breaking Through Awards for excellence in organizing.

⏰ 12 pm – 2:00 pm

Lunch and author event with Kim Kelly and David Madland.

⏰ 2:00 pm

Session will recommence with a Breaking Through Award and speech by Erica Smiley from Jobs With Justice.

⏰ 2:30 pm

Financial and auditors reports 2018-2022.

⏰ 3:15pm

Session on Women’s Equality Through Collective bargaining opens with roundtable discussion featuring:

Theresa Mortimer, Bahamas Financial Services Union, Bahamas

Patricia Nyman,  SACCAWU, South Africa

Alejandra Estoup, La Bancaria, Argentina

Ruksana Perven, Grameenphone Employees Union, Bangladeh

Carol Scheffer, CWU, Ireland

⏰ 3:55pm

Session on Amazon Workers Rising Together opens with panel introduced by Stuart Appelbaum, RWDSU, featuring:

Kim Kelly, Journalist

Steffi Nutzenberger, Ver.di

Fabrizio Russo, Filcams, CGIL

Jennifer Bates, RWDSU

Jessie Moreno, Amazon worker leader, Teamsters

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