Maurice Mitchell, National Director of the Working Families Party and acclaimed progressive organizer, to speak at UNI Global Union’s Congress

UNI Global Union is proud to announce Maurice Mitchell, National Director of the Working Families Party (WFP), as a keynote speaker at our 6th World Congress to be held in Philadelphia this month.

Mitchell‘s unwavering commitment to workers’ rights, social justice and his role in leading the Working Families Party in the United States have made him a natural choice for addressing the assembly of more than 1,000 labour leaders, activists and union representatives from around the world.

The Working Families Party is proud to join hands with UNI Global Union and all our international comrades in this historic Congress,” said Maurice Mitchell, National Director of the Working Families Party. “Our collective struggle knows no boundaries, and together, we will forge powerful alliances, working hand in hand with unions, elected officials, civil rights organizations across borders to build a multi-racial, cross class movement. By uniting our efforts, we will challenge the status quo and fight for a world where workers’ rights are respected, and dignity is guaranteed. This is a momentous occasion to come together to create a more just and equitable world.”

With its commitment to a multiracial movement for social and economic justice, the WFP is the most vibrant third-party in American politics. It organizes in more than a dozen states – including Pennsylvania – and its pro-union candidates win electoral campaigns in every part of the country. It has emerged as a powerful force in Philadelphia, and its influence is growing nationwide.

Christy Hoffman, UNI Global Union’s General Secretary said, “We are honoured to welcome Maurice Mitchell at our 6th World Congress. His leadership of the Working Families Party and dedication to uplifting workers’ rights aligns perfectly with the goals of UNI and our member unions from around the world. Building worker power requires organizing on the job, throughout our communities and in the halls of political power, and the Working Families Party is doing all three.”

Mitchell will highlight the increasing recognition of the intersectionality between labour rights, civil rights, and social justice issues. His experience in building multi-racial, cross-class solidarity is a lesson in making a more inclusive, diverse movement for justice and human rights.

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