x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

UNI Americas affiliates support Finland’s unions and confederations


UNI Americas affiliates support Finland’s unions and confederations

UNI affiliates support the strikes and trade union activism against the attack on the working class reflected in the reform of the Labour Law, which seeks to change the rules of collective bargaining, affecting the traditional tripartite model and the bargaining power of trade unions.

More than 50 unions affiliated to UNI Global Union in the Americas have expressed their full support and solidarity to SAK and STTK confederations and their affiliates in Finland in the current political context they are going through.

They have called on the Finnish government to listen to the trade union organizations and their proposals, which promote social dialogue and bring solutions, and to put an end to the attack on the trade union movement using a narrative of disqualification of its importance for their society, trying to input to all the whole movement a criminal status.

There is a lot of concern, as the fragmentation of wage negotiations could mean lower wages and less favourable conditions for workers in the long run.

“We want to emphasize the importance of the Finnish trade union movement for our continent and around the world, being a very important pillar for trade unions in terms of solidarity and example”, said Marcio Monzane, UNI Americas Regional Secretary.

“We will be following this situation very closely and expressing all international solidarity as part of UNI Global Union”, he concluded.

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UNI Americas