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L20 Summit to demand G20 tackles rising inequality & delivers on promises


L20 Summit to demand G20 tackles rising inequality & delivers on promises

UNI Global Union General Secretary, Christy Hoffman is joining other top union leaders at the L20 in Mendoza, Argentina this week, ahead of the G20.

The core message the L20 will deliver to the G20 is that promises are not enough .  It is time for governments to  deliver on their previous commitments to take concrete steps to deliver sustainable and inclusive economic growth and a just transition framework to ensure full employment in the  digital future.  

In her comments to the L20 later today will Hoffman will highlight business responsibility across their global supply chains,  another  of the L20’s key areas of focus. 

Hoffman said, “Despite some steps forward in 2018  in the area of business and human rights,  success is far from reach.  Modern slavery and child labor still riddle the supply chains and respect for freedom of association is measurably declining among even the direct employees of major companies.   We cannot accept this.     Governments can and must take concerted action to clean up the global supply chains, through procurement rules, rigorous enforcement of the OECD Guidelines, more  transparency and reporting  requirements and a UN Binding Treaty to ensure that the rights and standards  can be enforced across borders. 

In addition to government action, private agreements, like the Bangladesh Accord and other agreements between companies and  global unions, fill an important gap and must be seen as a part of a package of steps to take us forward.  We need an ecosystem in which these agreements are supported and enforced. “ 

For more on the L20’s mission in Mendoza, watch this video


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