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BECTU’s flagship Dignity at Work campaign aims to champion workers’ rights to dignity


BECTU’s flagship Dignity at Work campaign aims to champion workers’ rights to dignity

UNI MEI’s UK member union BECTU has launched a flagship campaign on dignity at work. The campaign aims to champion workers’ rights to dignity and highlight the role and responsibility of unions in improving workplace culture.

Building on BECTU’s ground-breaking partnership work with the BFI and BAFTA – which has led to new industry principles for tackling bullying and harassment – and the union’s Standing Up guide for freelancers, Dignity at Work will seek to roll out best practice across the whole of the creative sector.

Starting with a call to stamp out sexual harassment in creative industries, the Dignity at Work campaign will also shine a light on what more can and should be done to tackle issues close to our members’ hearts, including diversity and discrimination, respect at work, bullying, long working hours, culture and working environment.
BECTU will work in partnership with employers to achieve change that makes a positive difference to the working lives of our members, whether staff or freelance, and will celebrate the fantastic contribution that the creative industries make to the UK.

To learn more about BECTU’s campaign, got to https://www.bectu.org.uk/get-involved/campaigns/Dignity