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UNI Apro Graphical and Packaging 5th Sector Conference draws up plans to build forward for a more equitable and sustainable future


UNI Apro Graphical and Packaging 5th Sector Conference draws up plans to build forward for a more equitable and sustainable future

The UNI Apro Graphical and Packaging Sector successfully held its 5th sector conference on 14 September 2021.

The conference saw 34 delegates, guests, and observers from affiliates in nine countries and an 18-strong staff presence from UNI and UNI Apro.   

Lorraine Cassin, President of UNI Apro G&P, opened for the event. She was joined by

Christy Hoffman, UNI Global Union General Secretary, Nicola Konstantinou, Head of UNI G&P, and UNI Apro Regional Secretary Rajendra Acharya.

In their remarks, the G&P workers were recognised for their critical roles and contribution during the pandemic. They were encouraged to remain steadfast in building union power to ensure that unions stay relevant and updated in the digital age.  

Delegates actively contributed to the discussions at the conference formulated around the three major identified strategic priorities listed in the UNI Apro Graphical and Packaging’s Action Plan for 2021-2025:

  • Organising and empowering G&P unions in the region to build power for collective bargaining
  • Adopting innovative responses to challenges of digitalisation and the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Promote and foster networking opportunities to sustain information sharing and exchange of creative strategies among G&P affiliates in the region

The delegates also adopted a major policy statement, “Building Forward: Towards an Inclusive, Equitable and Sustainable Future,” UNI Apro’s agenda for an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future driven by a human-centred approach to recovery, presented by Regional Secretary Rajendra Acharya in his keynote address to the conference.


Lorraine Cassin, AMWU Australia, was successfully re-elected as the UNI Apro Graphical and Packaging President for 2021-2025.  

Graphical & Packaging

UNI Asia & Pacific