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Human Chain held in Dhaka demanding Eid Bonus for six million shop employees in Bangladesh


Human Chain held in Dhaka demanding Eid Bonus for six million shop employees in Bangladesh

Today, July 26, 2019 at 11.00am the National Shop Employee Federation organized a Human Chain in front of national press club demanding Eid Bonus for the upcoming Eid. Eid Ul Adha will be celebrated on August 12, 2019. National Shop Employee Federation is the only registered union for shop employees. 6 million shop employees work in ten different sectors in Bangladesh. Government and non-government employees are entitled to Eid Bonuses whereas shop employees are usually deprived of Eid Bonuses.

The Human Chain was presided over by Rafiqul Islam Babul, President of National Shop Employee Federation while Amirul Haque Amin, General Secretary of the Federation spoke as a Main speaker in the event.

AKM Mostafa Kamal, Bangladesh Liaison Coordinator of Global Union UNI,  gave a solidarity speech as a guest speaker.

The Human Chain made 12 demands, including the Eid Bonus:

1. Eid Bonus and salary for July should be paid by August 05, 2019

2. Leave should be approved by rotation so that shop employees can celebrate Eid with their families.

3. Appointment letter and ID card to be given to the employees.

4. One and half days weekly leave to be granted

5. Enforcement of labour laws in the shops

6. Legal benefits to be given to every employees of the shop

7. Minimum wage Tk. 15, 000/month for shop employee to be implemented

8. Overtime to be paid for overtime work

9. Increment of wage every year.

10. No verbal termination

11. For termination legal service benefits to be given without delay.

12. Wage to be paid by  7th day of next month.



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