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Five unions from three Southern Africa countries, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa met near Windhoek, Namibia, to launch the 8th instalment of the UNI Mentoring Program.

The participants to the workshop, sponsored by the Friederich Ebert Stiftung Foundation, worked together for two days on issues like: creating campaigns, establishing tandems, roles and responsibilities of the Mentor and the Mentee, as well as creating a work plan to enable them to attain their objectives during the implementation of the program.

The workshop is the first of a series of three workshops that will take place during the two-year implementation of the program. Their aim is not only to discuss achievements and obstacles faced by the participants, but also to provide additional training in areas such as leadership, communications, planning and organizing skills.

With this workshop, the UNI Mentoring Program has expanded to 49 countries around the world with more than 500 participants taking part in working tandems around the world. It has given new visibility and strength to the work of women unionists and it has helped them attain leadership positions within their unions. Furthermore, the Mentoring Program has helped build networks across unions and around the globe ensuring that women’s issues receive the attention and support they deserve, building and strengthening each other. In other words: Masakane!