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Media & entertainment unions welcome today’s vote in favour of fair remuneration of authors and performers


Media & entertainment unions welcome today’s vote in favour of fair remuneration of authors and performers

European Parliament vote on Copyright in the Digital Single Market

The European Parliament has voted today in favour of the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.

The Directive introduces in EU legislation the principles of fair and proportionate remuneration for authors and performers for the exploitation of their works and of collective bargaining as a tool to achieve fair contractual arrangements (Art. -14 and recital 39y). Further, the provisions of article 14, which covers the entire economic life of works, will allow for comprehensive and accurate transparency of information regarding the exploitation of works. Finally, we underline the importance of the inclusion of the principle of collective representation of authors and performers in contractual adjustment (Art. 15) and dispute resolution (Art. 16), which is a prerequisite for these rights to materialise.

Performers’ and authors’ organisations have been advocating for more than a decade for normative measures to ease them out of precariousness and abusive contractual practices, denying them a fair share of the revenues generated by the exploitation of their work, including in the on-demand environment. Today is a first important step in the right direction.

Following the publication of the EU Commission’s Digital Agenda in May 2016, a long, intense and hard-fought legislative process ensued that lead finally to a Happy End with today’s adoption of the Directive.

UNI Europa’s media, entertainment and arts sector has worked in partnership with its sister unions and partner organisations to convince EU decision makers to improve the Commission’s initial proposal. The final text enshrines the principles of fair remuneration, collective representation and collective bargaining in EU law and sets a clear signal that unfair contracts, disproportionate  remuneration and blackmailing of creators, who demand a fair share from the exploitation of their works, is not on.

Oliver Röthig, UNI Europa Regional Secretary said: “We are proud that EU institutions have decided to support the call of European creators to put an end to the abusive practices of oligopolistic gatekeepers and to say no to an unrestrained digital capitalism with its ‘winner takes it all’ mentality”.

The next step is to initiate a social dialogue process and that leads to more collective bargaining agreements setting the framework for fair contracts and fair remuneration for creators”, Röthig added.

William Maunier, President of the UNI Europa’s media, entertainment and arts sector said: “The unions and guilds affiliated to UNI Global Union who defend the rights, freedom and livelihood of their members stress that this Directive will make a difference by promoting social dialogue on fair and proportionate remuneration at European level and within all member states”.

Our member unions and guilds will work to find viable and reasonable solutions and agreements that safeguard the rights and interests of professional creators while ensuring that citizens continue to have access to their works.

We stand ready to engage with all stakeholders in a constructive dialogue on the implementation of the directive.

Download here the statement of UNI MEI on today’s vote of the European Parliament.