x Help us stop Amazon's grueling working conditions in India!

The following statement in support of the German Amazon strikers can be attributed to Christy Hoffman General Secretary of UNI Global Union:

“Workers around the world have been struggling to win safe work at Amazon warehouses since the beginning of the pandemic. Too many have become infected and in some countries many have been dismissed for speaking out.

Today, all eyes are on Germany as the brave workers there take a stand to win safe work,  a collective agreement and to end the brutal conditions. Amazon’s incredible wealth and power has been growing during the pandemic, but the conditions on the job have been falling far short. That’s why we have seen worker unrest in warehouses around the world, and why ver.di strikers are standing up for their rights today and saying to Amazon: Health Before Profit.”

UNI Global Union represents more than 20 million workers from over 150 different countries in the fastest growing service sectors in the world. UNI and our affiliates in all regions are driven by the responsibility to ensure these jobs are decent and workers’ rights are protected, including the right to join a union and collective bargaining



UNI Amazon Global Union Alliance

UNI Europa