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This week, UNI Equal Opportunities launched a guide to LGBTI+ issues designed to help unions address the challenges facing LGBTI+ workers around the world. This guide provides UNI member unions with a glossary of terms, a better understanding of the causes of LGBTI+ discrimination and how it occurs in the workplace; as well as providing suggestions as to how we, as unions and as workers can help.

The guide, which can be downloaded here, is also accompanied by an extensive presentation to help unions educate their staff and members.

Too often, LGBTI+ workers experience bullying, unfair discipline, discrimination, and even violence in their workplace, and many have suffered this type of harassment their whole lives, beyond their place of employment.

“Oppression against all workers including those of differing sexual orientation and gender identity is a violation of human rights and a central concern in UNI Global Union’s fight for equality,” said UNI General Secretary Christy Hoffman. “We therefore need to fight for our members who are part of the LGBTI+ community and for other marginalized groups because a diverse workplace makes for stronger and more equal societies.”

At UNI’s last world congress, the organization agreed to proactive steps to include LGBTI+ issues in its work against discrimination. Since then, UNI has engaged with other global unions and human rights organizations on the topic.

UNI wants to hear about examples of work your union is doing in this area so that we can collect and share best practices. If you would like to share any examples, please share your stories and information via the Equal Opportunities Department by emailing equal.opportunities@uniglobalunion.org

Equal Opportunities

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