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With the support of UNI Global Union and SEKO in Sweden, the Communication Workers’ Union of Malawi gained not only union recognition but also successfully negotiated their first contract at DHL.

“Congratulations to the CWU of Malawi. This campaign is an example of best practices and demonstrated the good cooperation and respect between global, national unions and DHL management established by our joint protocol,” said Cornelia Broos, Head of Department of UNI Post&Logsitics.

“Establishing the union in Malawi is another piece in the puzzle to achieving full representation of every DHL worker worldwide by the unions,” she continued.

UNI Global Union will continue to support the CWU of Malawi with training to ensure the new leadership and activists are ready to represent the workers, and it will work to help establish good negotiations with the DHL management.

UNI will use this good example to motivate and engage other unions start organizing DHL, and UNI is currently working with unions throughout the world—and throughout Africa—to win better working conditions at the company.

Post & Logistics

UNI Africa