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The Council of Global Unions (CGU) is launching new website for LGBTI workers on International Coming Out Day on Sunday 11 October.

The website will share the work of global unions, including UNI Global Union, in defending and promoting LGBTI rights around the world. It is also a place for affiliated unions to share their own work in protecting and empowering LGBTI workers at the national level.

The website features a dedicated forum for LGBTI workers to share their stories or get in touch with one another via a contact page.

UNI General Secretary, Christy Hoffman, said:

“Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity can no longer be tolerated. This hate, this intolerance, this form of violence divides us and weakens us. LGBTI persons must have the equal protections and the same rights and protections as everyone else. Diversity and inclusion are big assets to unions and to workplaces. They provide us with the richness of different perspectives and approaches. They teach us about tolerance and respect. These are core trade union values which we hope will be supported in this joint project by global unions.”

Robbie Young from Prospect union in the UK, said:

“It’s great to see UNI Global Union providing a platform to showcase how trade unions are leading the way on equality and dignity at work. All workers should have the right to feel safe at work from bullying and harassment and trade unions are campaigning to make sure all workplaces and employers are providing jobs where people can be themselves.”

Verónica Fernández Mendez, Head of UNI Equal Opportunities, said:

“UNI is proud to stand up for workers who are gay, lesbian, transgender or queer. It takes courage to come out and at UNI we are acting to make sure LGBTI workers can go to work without fear of discrimination or intolerance.”  

“We’re very excited about our new website, which not only provides support for LGBTI workers but is also a great place for unions to share ideas on how best to protect LGBTI people in the workplace.”

The Council of Global Unions is a group of independent trade union organizations that represents over 207 million workers worldwide and 163 countries.