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#MilMinutos: UNI Americas launches campaign for the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia


#MilMinutos: UNI Americas launches campaign for the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia

Today, UNI Americas launches the #MilMinutos campaign for the 1000+ victims who have been killed since the signing of the Peace Agreements in Colombia.

Despite political violence having dropped significantly prior to 2016, figures have skyrocketed since the signing of the agreement under Iván Duque’s administration. Our aim in this campaign is to raise awareness about the situation, put an end to violence, and push organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to take action.

The social cost – with every social leader that is murdered, a project to build a fairer country dies with them

According to Indepaz, 1,091 social leaders have been murdered since the signing of the Peace Agreement (Nov 2016 – Dec 2020), 695 of them during the Duque administration. The same report states that 246 former FARC-EP combatants in the process of reincorporation into civilian life have been assassinated during the same period.

“Colombia is the second most dangerous country in the world, right behind the Philippines, for trade unionists and social leaders. With this campaign we want to remember all the victims, and put an end to this scourge on humanity, by understanding that every time a social or union leader is murdered, a dream also dies,” said Marcio Monzane, UNI Americas regional secretary.

“This is a call for peace, but also a global call for the OAS to take action – for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to go to Colombia and investigate the ongoing violence and shine a spotlight on what has been happening in this country for decades,” he concluded.

With each video we will add more #MilMinutos and we will be able to tell the world what is happening in Colombia. Help us raise international awareness about political violence in Colombia as we launch this campaign today! Share it, make it social!

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