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Ninja Van Delivery Workers in Indonesia Win Breaking Through Award 2022


Ninja Van Delivery Workers in Indonesia Win Breaking Through Award 2022

At the World Executive Board in Nyon, UNI affiliate SPPD was recognised with Breaking Through Award 2022 for their outstanding work representing food delivery workers in Indonesia.

SPPD is the first ever union in Indonesia for last mile delivery workers who are wrongly classified as self-employed. The union covers all platform workers in logistics, but it has specially made strides with workers who toil at Ninja Van, a delivery company partially owned by DPD-GeoPost. The union has spearheaded steady growth in membership, despite working in a sector where workers work 14-hour shifts with no holidays or weekends off.

“With its gusty campaign to bring delivery workers out of the shadows, SPPD is showing us all that in the most adverse circumstances, specially in the most adverse circumstances, unions can make a real difference in people’s lives,” said Rajendra Acharya, Regional Secretary of UNI Global Union for Asia & Pacific.

The Breaking Through award recognises unions who have built union strength through innovative organising campaigns and built union strength in the face of adversity.



Post & Logistics

UNI Asia & Pacific