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Nobel Prize winner Abassi issues call for global solidarity to UNI World Congress


Nobel Prize winner Abassi issues call for global solidarity to UNI World Congress

Houcine Abassi, former secretary general of the Union Generale des Travailleurs Tunisiens (UGTT), brought a message of hope and solidarity to the UNI World Congress in Liverpool. Houcine Abassi’s tireless work as part of the National Dialogue Quartet helped save Tunisia from civil war.

In October 2015, the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet – which comprised members of the UGTT, the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts, the Tunisian Human Rights League and the Tunisian Order of Lawyers – won the Nobel Peace Prize.

“We have so many common battles. Globalisation is here and it means we face the same issues – greedy companies, precarious jobs and the closing of democratic spaces,” said Abassi. “UNI Global Union is not just an organization that brings together 20 million workers, but an organization of ideas. You stand up and fight for peace, workers’ rights and justice!”

“We have a fight on our hands and it is a global one. The challenges we face can only be tackled when we strengthen the links between our organisations and countries. International solidarity must be maintained through permanent action and economic, social and educational actions

“The example of the national dialogue quartet in Tunisia proves that civil society, and trade unions in particular can play a major role in healing social rifts.” “The example of the national dialogue quartet in Tunisia proves that civil society, and trade unions in particular can play a major role in healing social rifts.”

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