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Organising and equality at centre of FIA and UNI joint work in Latin America


Organising and equality at centre of FIA and UNI joint work in Latin America

From 4 to 7 of December 2018, delegates from UNI MEI – PANARTES, the Latin American group of UNI MEI, gathered with their colleagues from FIA-LA (Latin American group of the International Federation of Actors) in Buenos Aires, Argentina for their yearly joint seminar. The event was hosted with the support of Argentinian unions from UNI MEI and FIA (AATRAC, SAL, SATSAID, SUTEP, SICAAPME and AAA). The regional groups from both federations met for a series of capacity building training sessions which are part of a joint FIA and UNI MEI project funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) with the support of Union to Union, the Swedish trade union confederation and TF (Teaterförbundet), the Swedish member of FIA and UNI MEI. The project is implemented between 2018 and 2022 and foresees a set of training events to increase capacities of Latin American trade union leaders for union growth and trade union innovation.

The Buenos Aires seminar included a full day of training for trade union leaders in the Audiovisual sector on organising young workers in the sector. It was carried out by young trade union leaders from SATSAID and SUTEP and AAA (Argentinean Actors’ union) and included several useful tools for unions how to better reach out to young workers.

This training was followed by a one-day capacity building seminar on how to increase gender equality in union structures, union governance and union actions. Veronica Fernández Méndez, Head of the Equal Opportunities Department of UNI Global Union led this training and shared the rich experience of UNI in accompanying its members to achieve gender equality within their unions. In addition, national experts from Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay provided participants with a rich selection of practical tools.

The joint meetings were concluded by a one-day leadership training and mentorship program for women leaders of audiovisual trade unions from the region. The leadership training allowed participants to further increase their personal skills in advancing gender equality within union structures and become active agents for gender equality in the workplace in the audiovisual sector.