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On World Day for Human Rights, UNI Global Union is standing with affiliates and partner organizations from around the world to call on governments to Ratify ILO Convention 190 and Recommendation 206.

Fought for and won by trade unions, the convention is the first international treaty to recognize the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment. It has so far been ratified by nine countries—with unions leading the way in many—and more most follow.

“Without tackling violence and harassment, we will never see true equality for women in the world of work. As trade unions we must break the vicious circle of violence that impacts women both at home and at work – and ILO Convention 190 is the best tool we have to achieving a workplace free from fear,” said Rojila Karki Basnet, a registered Nurse for 16 years and the chair of the Union of Private Health Employees in Nepal-UNIPHIN women’s committee.

ILO Convention 190 covers violence in the entire world of work, including remote working and commuting to and from work, and third-party violence including customers. 

UNI Global Union General Secretary, Christy Hoffman said, “We campaigned hard for this Convention, and we must make sure it is ratified and implemented. As violence and harassment has soared during the pandemic, we owe it to our members, who are on the frontlines of abuse in the service sectors, to keep fighting for a safe place to work.”

