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Solidarnosc calls for better protection for shopworkers in Poland


Solidarnosc calls for better protection for shopworkers  in Poland

UNI Global Union´s Polish affiliate Solidarnosc is holding A Respect for Retail Workers Week from 14 to 20 December to demand better wages, protections and rights for shopworkers in Poland. 

The union wants to raise awareness of the difficult conditions for retail workers in the countdown to Christmas and is calling on the government and employers to do more to protect workers as surging coronavirus cases coincide with the holiday shopping rush.  

Solidarnosc has also launched a petition calling for: 

  • Standardized and uniformed protective measures in stores and logistic centres, 

  • Limited number of customers in stores,  

  • Additional paid breaks for workers to wash and disinfect their hands,  

  • Early access to Covid-19 vaccine to keep workers and customers safe, 

  • Bonus Covid-19 payments for workers,  

  • Decent workload and reasonable working hours to avoid 12hour shifts, 

  • Employment of more workers to avoid staff shortages due to increasing sales and absenteeism. 

  • Expansion of the work-free Sunday regulation to cover more retail workers,  

  • Genuine and constructive dialogue between retail employers and trade unions.  

“In Poland and all around the world, commerce unions are pushing for essential rights and proper protection that essential retail workers deserve” said Mathias Bolton, Head of UNI Commerce, “We welcome Solidarnocs’ respect week, join Solidarnosc in its call to the Polish government and employers for better protection and rights; and call our all affiliates to sign the petition launched by the Union and to spread the word”.

More information on the “Essential Rights for Essential Workers” campaign launched by UNI Global Union is available here. 


UNI Europa