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As part of its commitment to ensuring a just recovery from the pandemic, UNI Global Union has officially joined the People’s Vaccine Alliance—an international coalition of organizations and activists calling for vaccinations to be available to everyone, everywhere.

“The pandemic has worsened deep-seated inequalities in our societies, and our world cannot ‘build back better’ if rich countries continue to horde the knowledge, production capabilities, and supply needed to keep everyone safe. Just as we need to re-value the labour of essential workers—such as caregivers, grocery employees, and cleaners—we need a vaccine for all,” said Christy Hoffman, General Secretary of UNI Global Union. “We fully support the goals of the People’s Vaccine and look forward to working with our partner organizations for equitable, universal distribution.”

Representing 20 million skills and services workers in 150 countries, UNI Global Union has previously advocated for a so-called TRIPs waiver, or a suspension of certain intellectual property rights related to the vaccine so that low-and-medium countries could expand production. It also supported campaigns by unions around the world fighting for vaccinations for essential workers.

“We are very excited that UNI Global Union is joining with us to end vaccine apartheid and in demanding a people’s vaccine available to all, everywhere, free of charge. No one is safe until everyone is safe,” said Valentina Montanaro, Campaign Coordinator at People’s Vaccine Alliance.

To learn more about the PVA, visit www.peoplesvaccine.org.

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