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UNICARE stands in solidarity with striking Access workers in New Zealand


UNICARE stands in solidarity with striking Access workers in New Zealand

E tū members at Access Community Health have voted overwhelmingly in favour of further industrial action after their latest pay talks stalled – more than a month after members first took to the streets for better pay.

The latest round of industrial action begins today across the country, with members on strike for up to four days from today, Friday 21 June until Monday 24 June.
Access Community Health coordinators, administrators, and call centre workers held a week of partial strikes and walkouts in mid-May, with further action in early June after efforts to negotiate a new pay deal failed.

UNICARE Global Union stands in full support with their affiliate E tū and the striking workers. “Good quality care needs always good working conditions for all the staff in a healthcare company. Access needs to value that. UNI Global Union and its UNICARE Sector stands behind the rightful demands of the Access workers and stand in full solidarity with them. 20 Million workers around the world are on your side,“ says the Head of UNICARE Global, Adrian Durtschi.

 “We urge Access to come back to the bargaining table and offer a better deal for these workers,” says E tū Home Support coordinator Kirsty McCully.
“It’s time for Access to recognise these workers as the glue that holds Home Support together in New Zealand. Access’s failure to give their workers a fair increase is disrespectful to both the members, and to Access service users.”


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