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Together We Care

We envision a world where health and care workers, especially women, are valued, respected, and fairly compensated.

Together We Care is driving structural changes by strengthening collective representation, advancing women’s economic security through bargaining, and promoting safer and violence-free work environments. Our goal is to see a heightened presence of health and care workers in unions, led by women leaders, ensuring better wages, working conditions, and reduced workplace inequalities.

Our Partners and supporters

Proudly supported by USAID, Ford Foundation, CARE Fund and implemented by UNI Global Union.

Impact and change

Together We Care is increasing representation, building stronger unions, improving working conditions and reducing workplace challenges.

Building upon success

Our approach builds upon UNI Global Union’s existing success promoting social dialogue and collective bargaining with care workers across the world.

Join the movement to transform care work

Your support and contributions are crucial in reshaping the future of health and care workers globally. Together, we can build a more equitable and just health system for all. 

Join our mailing list here.



Our vision


stronger and equitable health systems


We envision a world where health and care workers, especially women, are valued, respected, and fairly compensated. Our goal is to ensure stronger care systems in key countries along with equitable employment and improved working conditions, advocating for: 


  • Enhanced collective representation and rights at work. 
  • Effective collective bargaining for economic security. 
  • Safe, healthy work environments.