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Argentinian broadcasting union SATSAID has secured a 38 per cent pay increase and one-off bonus of $106,400 (US$537) for its members working at free to air TV channels and independent television production companies across the country.  

The win comes after a series of mobilizations and walk outs, including a demonstration at the filming of the TV series Big Brother that was broadcast live to the nation.

SATSAID sealed the new salary agreement with the Argentine Chamber of Independent Television Producers (CAPIT) and the Association of Argentine Teleradio Broadcasters (ATA) at the Ministry of Labour on 3 March 2023. The pay rise will be distributed in four stages and applied retroactively from January to June 2023.

 “This agreement is the result of the solid commitment and proactive support of the workers, who took part in all the actions of the struggle from the very start of the conflict,” said Horacio Arreceycor, Secretary General of SATSAID. “Today we have finally reached a salary increase that is fair for workers.”

 As well as the bonus which will benefit workers across the country, the union has secured a commitment from employers that they will not deduct wages from workers who took part in union walk outs in the context of the recent conflict.

 Marcio Monzane, Regional Secretary of UNI Americas said “SATSAID has demonstrated its power to mobilize its members and secure victory. This agreement for a just salary increase shows workers everywhere that if they rally together and join a union, they don’t have to pay the price for inflation.”