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Audiovisual sector in Europe calls for urgent action by EU and Member States to safeguard the future of the sector


Audiovisual sector in Europe calls for urgent action by EU and Member States to safeguard the future of the sector

The film and audiovisual sector in Europe calls for urgent action by EU and Member State decision-makers to safeguard the future of the sector in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, following in the footsteps of initial emergency measures announced at national level, including by film funds and other bodies.

Why does it matter? We are facing a profound crisis for creativity and culture in Europe – for businesses and for individuals. The audiovisual sector is at the heart of Europe’s cultural, creative and social identity and a key contributor to the European economy and employment; immediate intervention is therefore crucial and indeed strategic for European and national unity going forward. Without a firm commitment from European and national leaders, the film and audiovisual sector in

Europe will not recover from the unprecedented impact of the health crisis. Our sector could play a major role in the healing and recovery process that our societies are going to face in the months and years ahead – but only if its basic infrastructure can be saved.

Urgent financial support is needed now, and in the months to come to safeguard the existing film and audiovisual eco-system and the future of the sector in Europe which is suffering grievously because of valid social distancing measures and related societal consequences. The crisis in our sector will be felt way beyond the confinement period.

The film and audiovisual sector in Europe can be a conduit and a catalyst for the debates and discussions which will be essential in Europe’s democracies as its citizens come to terms with the consequences of this unprecedented crisis and lay the groundwork for new optimism and confidence in our shared European future.

Download below the Joint Film and Audiovisual Sector COVID-19 Statement.