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UNI Global Union Condemns Violent Attack on Bangladeshi Union Leader and Peaceful Protesters


UNI Global Union Condemns Violent Attack on Bangladeshi Union Leader and Peaceful Protesters

UNI Global Union strongly condemns the recent brutal attack on Brother Amirul Haque Amin, General Secretary of the National Shop Employees Federation (NSEF), and President of the National Garments Workers Federation (NGWF), along with his supporters during a peaceful demonstration in Savar, Dhaka, on 29 March 2024. The protesters were demanding Eid (festive) bonuses for garment and shop workers in Bangladesh when they were set upon by a violent group, resulting in injuries to 20 supporters.

Mathias Bolton, Head of Commerce at UNI said: “It is shocking and deeply regrettable that Brother Amin and other leaders and protesters were attacked during their peaceful demonstration. We stand in solidarity with them and implore the government to act quickly to hold the perpetrators to account. We also urge the government and employers to start a dialogue with unions to address the workers’ legitimate demands.”

Regional Secretary of UNI Asia and Pacific Rajendra Acharya condemned the reprehensible act of violence and said: “We urge the government of Bangladesh to take swift action to bring the perpetrators of this attack to justice, ensure the safety and security of union leaders and workers exercising their right to peaceful protest, and engage in constructive dialogue with unions to address the legitimate demands of workers, including fair wages, bonuses, and safe working conditions.

UNI Global Union reaffirms its unwavering support for the leaders and members of the National Shop Employees Federation, the National Garments Workers Federation and all workers in Bangladesh in their ongoing struggle for justice and dignity in the workplace.


