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UNI calls for US and EU governments to secure ceasefire in Israel and Palestine; Work to address underlying injustices


UNI calls for US and EU governments to secure ceasefire in Israel and Palestine; Work to address underlying injustices

UNI Global Union’s Management Committee, one of the federation’s key decision-making bodies, is has issued the following on the violence in Israel and Palestine. The statement comes as US President Joe Biden has expressed support for a “path to ceasefire,” but violence continues.

Statement of the UNI Global Union Management Committee on Israel and Palestine

As bloodshed continues to escalate in Israel and Palestine, the UNI Management Committee calls upon the international community, especially the EU and US, to use their economic and political power to secure a ceasefire in the conflict and an end to all violence without delay. 

These governments should also actively engage to secure a sustainable solution which addresses the underlying injustices and achieves long lasting peace. 

Consistent with resolutions adopted at UNI World Congresses in 2014 and 2018, and more recently at the UNI Europa Conference last month, this means the full implementation of relevant UN Security Resolutions, an end to the occupation and negotiations towards the creation of two sovereign states. 

We also call upon nations of the world to provide urgent humanitarian support to the people of Gaza, 56,000 of whom are now homeless, and many more without water, electricity or even sewage.

The United States provides nearly US$4 billion in aid to Israel, and the EU is the country’s largest trade partner.

The statement is available in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish below.



UNI Europa