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UNI MEI is concerned with governance of Romanian Public broadcaster SRTV


UNI MEI is concerned with governance of Romanian Public broadcaster SRTV

In a statement issued to the attention of the country’s president and government, UNI MEI expresses its concerns over the current governance of Romanian Television Corporation, SRTV.

Following the resolution of UNI’s affiliate FAIR-MediaSind of 25 February 2019 and the report by the unions’ representatives to the EU Audiovisual Social Dialogue Committee of 1 March 2019, UNI MEI wrote to president Iohannis to express solidarity with colleagues at SRTV and MediaSind and joined the unions’ demand to restore professional management and a good working environment at SRTV.

While the Parliament is inquiring on suspicion of irregularities in connection with the Golden Stag Festival and the Eurovision contest, the attitude and actions of the SRTV management  towards its employees and the disrespect of the collective labour agreement of the Romanian National Television are symptoms of bad governance and an anti-union culture at the top of the broadcaster’s management, which has been decried by workers’ representatives and union officials for some time.     

UNI MEI condemns the pressure exerted by the SRTV’s President – Director General on the employees’ representative on the Board of Directors and the refusal of management to enter in good faith social dialogue with our affiliate, MediaSind.

UNI MEI expresses its support for the demand of MediaSind and calls on the Romanian Parliament to use its democratic oversight and to sanction any improper management by the President – Director General of SRTV.  

Download our statement here: