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The UNI World Women’s Conference paid tribute to the vision and leadership of Denise McGuire, who will be stepping down as World President of UNI Equal Opportunities.

“I want to thank Denise for her determined and thoughtful leadership for the past years,” said Deputy General Secretary of UNI Global Union Christy Hoffman. “What a tremendous asset she has been for UNI and for the UNI Women.  We wish the happiest of retirements although, I know we will never lose Denise from our movement.”

Head of UNI Equal Opportunities Veronica Fernandez-Mendez said, “True leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders. Denise has been that kind of leader. We will miss her as our World President for her tenacity, her vision and her humour.”

In her speech, Denise made reference to the Suffragette movement, “Our motto for this Conference is Making It Happen. The Suffragettes made it happen – but let’s not sentimentalise the past, but use it as a platform on which to build.”

“When women have a seat at the table, women’s issues are on the agenda. We are not here to make up the numbers, we’re here to make it happen.”

“Step by step – some big, some small, but all steps matter –  we have made progress. We’ve taken your concerns to the UN, to the ILO, to employers and to governments.”

“Women can do anything, women can be anything – women can change the world. Together let’s make it happen!”