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Violent and arbitrary arrest of trade union leader Roberto Mesta of SINCA, Peru


Violent and arbitrary arrest of trade union leader Roberto Mesta of SINCA, Peru

The global community of media, entertainment and arts unions & guilds affiliated to UNI Global Union condemns the violent and arbitrary detention of Roberto Mesta, General Secretary of the Audiovisual and Film Workers Union of Peru (SINCA).

Roberto was arrested by the police yesterday, 10 November 2020 while peacefully participating in the citizen’s demonstrations against the presidential vacancy in downtown Lima against the accession of Manuel Merino as President of the Republic, after Martín Vizcarra was removed from office.

UNI Americas, the regional organisation of UNI and PANARTES, the media, entertainment & arts sector in the Americas have reacted to the attack and many affiliated unions across the region have issued letters of protest and solidarity. In a joint letter, UNI Americas Regional Secretary, Marcio Monzane and PANARTES President, Miguel Paniagua addressed to the Police of Lima demand the immediate release of Roberto.

The right to protest in public spaces in a peaceful manner and respect for individual freedoms are fundamental principles of any democracy. We call on authorities to respect these human rights and cease the violent suppression of protests.

We express our solidarity with Roberto and demand his immediate release.


Read here joint letter of UNI Americas Regional Secretary, Marcio Monzane and PANARTES President, Miguel Paniagua