x Help us stop Amazon's grueling working conditions in India!

The following statement on the EU’s potential $425 million fine against Amazon can be attribution to Christy Hoffman, General Secretary of UNI Global Union.

“The EU’s potential fine against Amazon for privacy violations is the right step and at the right time. In Spain, the US and elsewhere, Amazon is using its immense power and resources to snoop on workers looking to improve their jobs,” said Christy Hoffman General Secretary of UNI Global Union. “As bad as spying on workers is, it doesn´t come in a vacuum. There´s a pattern here–Amazon´s enormous appetite for growth is bad for our societies and for consumers. More and more people who believe in the dignity of work and the politics of the common good are taking notice of Amazon reckless behaviour.” 

Representing more than 20 million workers in 150 countries—including 7 million workers in Europe—UNI Global Union and UNI Europa are driven by the responsibility to ensure skills and service jobs are decent jobs and that workers’ rights are protected, including the right of union representation and collective bargaining.   



New World of Work

UNI Amazon Global Union Alliance

UNI Europa