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U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to Speak at UNI Global Union Congress in Philadelphia


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to Speak at UNI Global Union Congress in Philadelphia

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, as a champion of labour, will take the stage at the upcoming 6th World Congress of UNI Global Unioscheduled to kick-off on 27 August 2023 at the Philadelphia Convention Centre. 

Senator Sanders, a force for progressive politics in the U.S., has long championed universal healthcare, income equality, and workers’ rights, making him an impassioned advocate for the labour movement and social justice. 

General Secretary Christy Hoffman expressed excitement about Senator Sanders’ participation at the Congress, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome Senator Sanders to the UNI Global Union Congress. For over 30 years, he has used his platform in Congress to push for social and economic justice for workers – not only in the United States but around the world.” 

#UNIRISINGTOGETHER: Key Themes and Agenda 

The Congress will centre around key themes aimed at promoting workers’ rights and addressing pressing global challenges. Some of the crucial themes on the agenda include:  

Building Union Power for All: Strengthening the influence of working people by expanding union membership through strategic organizing efforts worldwide. UNI seeks to grow workers’ influence over multinational corporations and advocates for the protection and extension of collective bargaining rights.  

Changing the Rules to Hold Corporations Accountable: Ensuring businesses worldwide respect workers’ human rights. UNI fights to establish effective and binding instruments to hold multinational corporations accountable, with a particular emphasis on involving unions in all stages of binding due diligence.  

Rising Together for a Digital Transformation with Shared Benefits for All: Seeking to ensure that workers share the benefits of technological advancements while addressing the potential risks through union-led initiatives. As digitalization continues to shape the world of work, UNI and its affiliates are determined to negotiate the impact of this transformation collectively. 

Rising Together for Health and Safety: Underscoring the post-pandemic need for strong workplace representation and safety regulations. UNI Global Union and its affiliates will develop strategies to organize and bargain around health and safety concerns and promote independent health and safety committees.  

The Congress website has a full list of themes to be covered.   
