Care Workers in the Philippines Form New Union to Push for Better Conditions


Care Workers in the Philippines Form New Union to Push for Better Conditions

The Philippine Agricultural, Commercial, and Industrial Workers Union (PACIWU), an affiliate of UNI, has successfully organized a new union for care workers in Manapla City, Negros Occidental. The newly formed PACIWU-UNI Dr. Ramon B. Gustilo Hospital Rank-and-File Employees Union (PACIWU-UNI-DRBGHRFEU) brings together 66 employees, all of whom now have collective representation and the legal capacity to negotiate for better wages, improved benefits, and safer working conditions.

This union marks a major milestone in the healthcare sector of the region. Significantly, 100% of the bargaining unit—comprising 47 women out of the 66 members—signed the authorization to form the union, underscoring the workers’ resolve to fight for their welfare. The union’s first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) negotiation with the hospital management is scheduled for November 4, 2024, a crucial step towards securing better labor conditions.

Out of the 12 union officers elected, 10 are women, a strong statement about the importance of women’s leadership in the union. These women leaders are now at the forefront of negotiations, working to ensure that their fellow employees benefit from improved wages, better benefits, and safer workplaces.

UNI Asia & Pacific Regional Secretary Rajendra Acharya welcomed this development with enthusiasm. “We are thrilled to see this new union come to life under the Together We Care initiative. Healthcare workers, especially women, deserve to have their voices heard and their rights protected. UNI Global Union will continue to stand with them and fight for the dignity and respect they rightfully deserve,” said Acharya.

Shean Angelo Bilbao, the union’s president, expressed how the union’s formation has strengthened the workforce. “After we formed the union, the bond between us, the rank-and-file employees, became even stronger. People started opening up about the problems they face at work and during duty. It became easier for us to reach out to our colleagues because we now have forms of communication like a group chat. They now have someone to turn to when they need something and they’re no longer hesitant to share, and that’s the best part of establishing the union.”

Vice President of the union, Lura Divinagracia, outlined the union’s priorities for the upcoming CBA negotiations. “In our CBA proposal, we have a lot of areas we want to improve, starting with salary increases. It shouldn’t just be about the minimum wage, but about a living wage. We also want to extend vacation and sick leave, adjust working hours, and improve hospitalization benefits,” she said.

Recently, the union completed its CBA negotiations training, equipping members with the skills needed to effectively advocate for their rights and interests at the bargaining table. In addition to this, the union is set to undergo further training on gender equality, women’s empowerment, gender-based violence, and occupational safety and health. These upcoming sessions will prepare them to address not only workplace issues but also broader challenges, ensuring they can create a safer, more equitable environment for all workers.

PACIWU President Roland De La Cruz hailed this success as a landmark victory for healthcare workers. “This is a big win as it’s the first union formed under the Together We Care project. Now, more than ever, we’re committed to organizing more unions for health workers across the country. This is just the beginning,” said De La Cruz, who is also the President of the UNI Philippine Liaison Council (UNI-PLC).

With the union now firmly established, the healthcare workers of Dr. Ramon B. Gustilo Hospital are set to strengthen their collective voice and make strides towards improving their working conditions and securing fairer treatment for all. The success of this new union is not only a win for PACIWU but also a significant step forward for care workers in the Philippines.

This initiative is backed by UNI Global Union through Together We Care, a groundbreaking initiative to enhance women’s economic security by fostering a skilled, empowered workforce in the health and care sectors supported by USAID, the Ford Foundation and the CARE Fund.


The Philippines

UNI Asia & Pacific