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At UNI Global Union, we fight for the interests of 2.5 million postal workers around the world and support our trade union affiliates in over 100 countries. This World Post Day, on 9 October, we’re highlighting some key successes in our Post&Logistics sector in making work safer and better for postal workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Union wins:

  • UNI affiliates, FOECYT from Argentina and SNTPT from Senegal, set up crisis management committees to relay workers’ experiences and concerns in relation to COVID-19. The committees also monitor the health situation and, if necessary, take additional action to ensure workers’ safety. As a result of social dialogue with management and strong collective agreements, the unions were able to establish work protocols that reflected workers’ needs.
  • Postal workers in Pakistan were being put at risk after being asked to distribute pension payments during the pandemic without proper security measures in place. With support from UNI, which intervened with postal management and the Ministry, Pakistan Post union was able to stop the cash deliveries – making sure that postal workers were no longer a target for thieves.
  • Following an international solidarity action led by UNI, Moroccan union NFPL-UMT and Poste Maroc management reached an agreement bringing an end to an 11-day strike. The ratified accord allowed for a wage raise of US$50, an increase in performance benefits and the reinstatement of 20 demoted workers.
  • After UNI intervened at the regional and international level and also wrote to the minister for post in Brazil, FINDECT and FENTECT unions succeeded in stopping the plan by Brazilian postal service, Correios, to use post offices to distribute emergency aid to up to 18 million people without a proper risk assessment or safety protocols.
  • UNI Africa DHL Alliance now includes 26 unions representing 26 countries throughout the African continent. The alliance has identified health and safety as a priority to protect workers at DHL, while UNI Post&Logistics has enabled unions to exchange best practice on the issue. 
  • Soon after the pandemic began, UNI issued a joint statement with the UN entity for post, the Universal Postal Union, on the importance of health and safety and putting workers first during COVID. The statement was also used and signed on regional level by with UPAEP/PUASP and UNI Americas.
  • UNI Post&Logistics quickly established protocols for the sector at the start of the pandemic. The Information, Provision, Action guidelines have been successfully implemented in many countries.

UNI Global Union General Secretary, Christy Hoffman, said:

“I’d like to salute postal workers everywhere on World Post Day as they continue to keep societies running and communities connected throughout the pandemic. Trade unions have risen to the challenge by defending workers’ rights and winning key health and safety measures to protect workers and customers. The past 18 months have proven the need for strong postal jobs and a robust postal network to ensure that the post can be a vital link for all.”