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This June, UNI Global Union is celebrating Pride Month and UNI continues its mission to promote the rights of LGBTI workers.

Earlier this year, UNI Europa adopted a landmark resolution acknowledging the unique concerns of trans workers. With the motion, which is now enshrined in its statutes, UNI Europa commits to developing more inclusive and diverse policies to ensure the protection and the rights of intersex and trans workers within the organization.

On 17 May, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, UNI joined forces with other global unions to launch the LGBTI solidarity charter, pledging to act as allies and advocates for LGBTI workers.

UNI’s own guide to LGBTI+ issues is designed to help UNI member unions have a better understanding of the causes of LGBTI+ discrimination and how it occurs in the workplace; as well as providing suggestions as to help.

UNI’s affiliates worldwide are also making strides in promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI workers, who are often subjected to harassment, discrimination and violence in the workplace.

In Argentina, UNI affiliate, La Bancaria, signed the world’s first agreement establishing a job quota for transgender people in the financial sector. The contract with Banco de la Nación, stipulates that the quota “may not be less than 1 per cent of the total staff” and its purpose is to implement specific measures aimed at repairing the exclusion and structural discrimination suffered by trans people in the past.

In South Africa, where LGBTI workers have suffered an increase in hate crimes, UNI affiliate, SACCAWU, recently established its first LGBTQI network and is working to draft codes of good practices on tackling harassment and violence in the world of work so as to be aligned with ILO Convention 190.

Swedish affiliate, Unionen, has produced a Workplaces in all the Colours of the Rainbow, giving guidance to trade unions and employers on implementing measures for inclusion in the workplace from an LGBT perspective.

In Canada, UFCW has prepared a series of materials to support LGBTI workers at work, such as the inclusion of gender inclusive language in CBA and the use of pronouns. They are also actively engaged in supporting pride marches and parades across Canada.

IATSE in the USA and Canada also has its own Pride Committee to enhance inclusion and visibility. They carry out events, share stories and work to have more activities for LGBTI+ workers and allies.

Veronica Fernandez Mendez, Head of UNI Equal Opportunities, said:

“At UNI we are proud to represent all workers irrespective of their gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. Equality is a right and we intend to continue our support for LGBTI workers around the world and fight for workplaces free from discrimination and violence.”