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UNI is asking affiliates to support the ITUC’s Global Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof our Work (CEPOW) on 22 September 

The climate crisis is threatening workers in every sector and every part of the world. That is why the global trade union movement is taking action on 22 September to Climate and Employment Proof our Work (CEPOW). 

As part of the ITUC’s CEPOW global action day, UNI is encouraging affiliates to reach out to employers to begin a conversation about how to reduce our workplaces’ carbon footprints.  

“The trade union movement must be at the center of the global response to this crisis, and that is why UNI Global Union is calling on you to join us in supporting this year’s ITUC Global Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof our Work (CEPOW) on 22 September,” said UNI General Secretary Christy Hoffman. “Workers and their unions must be part of the dialogue that shapes the future of our planet, to ensure that working people’s climate concerns are listened to and acted upon.” 

It is crucial that unions are involved in the decisions employers make on climate issues because they will impact everyone. Even, small changes can have a large cumulative effect, such as requesting motion sensors so that energy is not wasted lighting unused areas; ensuring the maximum possible use of recycled materials; and providing water fountains rather than single-use bottles. 

This year, the 6th report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) made clear that it will require immediate action to keep global temperature rise to 1.5C, the limit scientists say is necessary for preventing the worst climate impacts. Under a high-emissions scenario, the IPCC finds the world may warm by 4.4 C by 2100 — with catastrophic results. 

Everyone must play their part, and UNI is asking its member unions to send a letter to employers asking to set up a meeting to begin this greening process.  

To see all campaign materials, click here. 

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