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In order to work together to address the social reforms being debated in the Colombian Congress, six trade union organizations representing 5,300 health workers across the country formed the Alianza Sindical de Trabajadores de la Salud Colombia (Union Alliance of Care Workers in Colombia).

The creation of the alliance was announced 10 May at the Congress of the Republic of Colombia.

In coordination with UNI Americas, the alliance aims to bring their concerns to Congress about the care sector as well as fight for a responsible, equitable and quality health system for workers and patients. made up of the Abood Shaio Foundation Workers’ Association (ATAS); the Sindicato de Trabajadores de Clínica Medellín (SINTRACLÍNICA Medellín); the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Organización Sanitas Internacional/Keralty; the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la de Salud Colombia (SINTRASALUDCOL); the Trade Union of Health and Social Security Workers (SINTRASASS); and the Union of EMI and Health Sector Workers (UNTRAEMIS).

In a joint statement, they wrote:

“Aware of this historic moment, where we must we must now accept our responsibility for the decisions that are being mademade at the highest level, and just as big business, the pharmaceutical industry and the EPSs, the Health Promoting Entity which organizes and guarantees the provision of health services. have been lobbying for their interests, it is our duty to establish a dynamic of participation in the face of our rights in the course of the LaborLabor, Pension and Health R.”Reforms.”

Marcio Monzane, Regional Secretary of UNI Americas, said: “The launch of this Union Alliance comes at a moment where there are major opportunities for change in Colombia. As health workers, the contribution of this alliance in the reform processes will undoubtedly be very valuable, due to their experience and first-hand knowledge of the care sector, as well as representing an example of unity for the region.”

On the creation of this Alliance, the Colombian Vice Minister of Labor Relations and Inspection of Colombia, Edwin Palma Egea, applauded this act of trade union unity and declared that “without a doubt, moving forward with the Reforms for Change requires unity, mobilization and advocacy in Congress from workers. Unity is needed in order to make progress in closing the social gaps in the country, improve the lives of 15 million working people and give greater capacity for action to the trade union movement by complying with the constitutional mandate, court orders and applying international law, as Colombia has been asked to do for the last 30 years.”

The alliance was received by two members of Congress Mafe Carrascal and by Agmeth Escaf, both members of the House of Representatives, and the unions presented their proposals on continuing to push for social dialogue in view of the reforms being proposed in the country.


UNI Americas