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The first European meeting of unions present in the multinational packaging company SAICA took place on 5th October 2018 in Madrid at the initiative of UNI Europa Graphical, the European federation of graphical & packaging unions.

Participants discussed the nature of SAICA as a company as well as the state of labour relations in the various countries. A decision was taken to establish a permanent trade union alliance that will meet on a regular basis.

UNI Europa Graphical calls on all unions that have members in SAICA to join and become active in this alliance.

The aims of the SAICA Trade Union Alliance are to:

– deepen the exchange of information between unions by establishing a communications structure
– strengthen international solidarity and the level of coordination and cooperation between unions
– ensure that the European Works Council functions in the most effective way possible for the workers it represents
– ensure that SAICA observes the highest standards of labour relations wherever it operates

A further meeting of the alliance will take place in the very near future and will decide upon further concrete actions in the pursuit of the above goals.