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European social partners adopt a Framework of Actions on Skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors


The overall aim of the Framework of Actions is to improve the relevance, quality, accessibility of and participation in lifelong learning for cultural and creative professionals across the EU.

European social partners adopt a Framework of Actions on Skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors

European social partners in the audiovisual and live performance sectors – the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa (EURO-MEI), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) on the workers’ side and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Pearle* – Live performance Europe on the employers’ side – have adopted and are now promoting a new Framework of Actions on Skills in the audiovisual and live performance sectors.

This Framework of Actions, a document that sets out shared values, common objectives and joint commitments of the European social partners to support skills development and access to professional training, is the result of a decade of collaboration, both at European level and through a network of national sector skills bodies, rooted in research, the monitoring of skills needs and the exchange of good practices from around Europe. All resources are available online on the website of Creative Skills Europe, the European platform for employment and training in the audiovisual and live performance sectors.

The overall aim of the Framework of Actions is to improve the relevance, quality, accessibility of and participation in lifelong learning for cultural and creative professionals across the EU. It addresses the most urgent employment, social and economic challenges that could be mitigated through training and skills, such as the digital shift, the green transition, the need to secure career paths and improve the quality of work or to open new entry routes into the sector and diversify profiles.

The Framework of Actions puts forward a series of recommendations and suggested actions, and points towards different fields of actions for social partners, education and training providers, and other relevant sector stakeholders at national and European level.

As part of a 2-year project co-funded by the European Union, the European social partners will promote and disseminate the Framework of Actions at regional and national level starting this year in Southern Europe, followed by other reunions in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Northern Europe.

The European Framework of Actions on skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors is available in 9 languages: EnglishFrenchSpanishPortugueseItalianGermanCzechSwedish and Polish.

For more information, you can contact Valentine Gelcys, coordinator EURO MEI.