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Fostering “The New Generation of Trade Unionists” at the First ASETUC Youth Summit, 11-12 August, Philippines


Fostering “The New Generation of Trade Unionists” at the First ASETUC Youth Summit, 11-12 August, Philippines

The ASEAN Services Employees Trade Union Council (ASETUC) is a network of trade unions in the ASEAN region to formulate and implement a consolidated trade union response to the fast moving economic and social development in ASEAN. It was created by the joint efforts of the three Global Union Federations (GUFs) namely UNI Global Asia Pacific Regional Office (UNI Apro), Building and Wood Workers International Asia Pacific (BWI AP) and Public Services International Asia Pacific (PSI AP).

In celebration of the International Youth Day last 12 August 2018, ASETUC take initiative to organize a Young Workers’ Summit – “The New Generation of Trade Unionists” for Youth members of ASETUC.

The Youth Summit gave opportunity for UNI Apro Youth, PSI AP Youth and BWI AP Youth to learn from each other, build a network of international solidarity, learning the developments of youth work in the trade unions in the regions, learn the sources of rights for youth and as the same time give youth the chance to develop strategies to protect their rights both at the national and international level. The young trade union leaders had urged trade unions to develop their knowledge and skills in meeting the challenges of globalization and thru better-informed organized workers, create a united front against unfair labor practice.

On his Opening Remarks, Datuk Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, General Secretary, ASETUC, gave importance to issues that the young workers are facing nowadays like Occupational Safety and Health, working condition, minimum wage, child labor, maternity leave to name a few. Another key issue he points out is the trade union right, right to decent work and the issue on Outsourcing. Through this Youth Summit, young workers will be able to discuss and addressed to these issues. Young workers must be strong, proactive, positive and happy, Datuk Shafie mentioned.

DOLE BLR Director, Benjo Santos Benavidez in his Key Note Address at the Youth Summit, to “instill in the young workers the importance of trade unions in this modern world”.

Christopher Ng, Regional Secretary, UNI Apro, extend his Fraternal remarks to all Youth participants of the ASETUC Youth Summit. He mentioned that Trade Unions must be more than an organisation to deal with the members’ grievances, protect their rights and promote rights by collective bargain and related activities. As an organization representing workers – that constitute the majority in every society, trade unions must exert the collective influence to protect and promote the rights and interest of every citizen, particularly to ensure socio and economic justice for all people. In this way, the trade union movement will be relevant to all, respected by all at all times.

Eighty-Three (83) Youth Participants from 3 GUF’s represents the 1st ASETUC Youth Summit. The 2-day event started on the Introduction of GUF’s and ASETUC followed by intense discussions and workshops on Global Issues, Global Unions and Global Politics on topics on Trade Union Rights, Trade Union and Disaster Response, Child Labor, Gender-LGBT and Young workers and Tax Justice and Trade Agreement. Participants were able to interact with distinguished Panelists from the two panel discussions on Digitalization and Future of Work and Politics of Organizing.

The three (3) Regional Secretaries from UNI Apro, Christopher Ng, BWI-AP, Apolinar Tolentino and PSI-AP, Kate Lappin were present at the Youth Summit.

For more photos, visit ASEAN Services Employees Trade Union Council Youth Summit FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/Asean-Services-Employees-Trade-Union-Council-Youth-Summit-1830910653622153/

The ASETUC Youth Summit was held at Estancia de Lorenzo Resort and Nature Farm, San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines on 11-12 August 2018.


UNI Asia & Pacific