x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

Workers at Bogotá´s Clínica de la Mujer announced today the creation of a new union at the Fresenius-owned Quirónsalud clinic.  This step takes the campaign by Colombian care union SINTRASASS to improve working conditions in health centers to new heights. Clínica de la Mujer is the fourth QuirónSalud clinic where workers have started SINTRASASS unions. Earlier this year, employees of the Clínica del Prado in Medellín organizing success was a breakthrough in a country where union campaigns are often met with resistance from employers. SINTRASASS already represented workers at Clínica Las Vegas and Clínica del Prado, also part of the German conglomerate Fresenius.

“SINTRASASS won´t stop until all the Fresenius clinics and medical centers in Colombia are unionized,” said SINTRASASS President Maria Eugenia Mazo. “The value and growth of the clinic is directly related to the hard work put by the workers. SINTRASASS believes that this effort deserves compensation, and I am not referring to economic issues exclusively, I mean; better treatment, better conditions, safety protocols to keep workers protected during the COVID- 19 pandemic.”

The Clínica de la Mujer de Bogotá, was acquired by Fresenius’ subsidiary; Quirónsalud last February. The clinic is specialized in pediatrics, gynecology, and obstetrics. Last year, it had over 20 million euros in earnings.

“Workers in Colombia and throughout the Americas are on the move, making their voices heard and demanding justice,” said Marcio Monzane, Regional Secretary of UNI Americas. “At a time when the world is finally paying attention to the essential work that healthcare worker and first respondents provide to our societies, Fresenius should listen to the voices that demand dignity and respect in Colombia and everywhere. The company should recognize this union and negotiate a strong collective agreement. “

Headquartered in Bad Homburg, Germany, Fresenius is a healthcare giant that employs 290,000 workers around the world and records about 30 billion euros ($32.3 billion) in annual sales. 


UNI Americas