x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

UNI Global Union May Day Statement

On this May Day, workers face challenges across the world:  attacks from right wing governments determined to roll back progress; corporate power and greed which exceeds anything from the past; new, insecure, models of work which deny hard won rights as employees; and the rise of racism and xenophobia which drives violence, fear, and division. Indeed, the struggle for justice, equality, secure jobs, safe work and fair conditions is global. 

 But unions are on the front lines to fight back. Just in the past weeks, we have seen the trade unions of Colombia standing strong for peace and economic justice, the largest strike in a decade among commerce workers in the US, and an alliance of workers from across the world coming together to take on one of the world’s richest companies, Amazon.

UNI unions are  fighting for  better conditions across all of its many sectors – from professional athletes to screenwriters, to cleaners to call center workers.  From the bank employees, to the IT professionals, to security guards, postal and shop workers and beyond- our message is the same. We fight for a fair share of the wealth we produce and a seat at the table through strong unions and collective bargaining.  For safe work and equality.  And  finally, for a new Social Contract.

Says UNI General Secretary, Christy Hoffman, “On this International Labour Day, I am  proud to be part of a vibrant, confident movement which is determined to Change the Rules of globalization, and win for workers. In the year when the ILO is celebrating its 100th anniversary let’s make it happen for social justice. Let’s celebrate our victories and renew our commitment to stand strong, together, in solidarity. Workers of the world unite!”


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