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The International Slavery Museum received the Freedom from Fear Award at the UNI World Congress in Liverpool in front of a packed Arena hall in Liverpool.

The award was presented to the director of the Museum, Dr Richard Benjamin, for the organisations ground-breaking work to innovate and campaign against injustice.

Presenting the award, the nominated new President of UNI Global Union, Ruben Cortina said, “ Our Freedom from Fear Award goes to an organisation that is the embodiment of what the award represents : standing up against bigotry, racism and xenophobia for all people. The International Slavery Museum, is not only keeping the story of the evil of slavery alive, it is a campaigning organisation involved in the continuing fight against oppression.”

On receiving the award, Dr Benjamin said, “We are extremely proud that our work has been recognised by UNI Global Union.

“The Museum opened its doors on 23rd August 2007 during the Bicentenary of the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade which outlawed the carrying of enslaved Africans by British ships in the British Empire. However, we very much live with the legacies of that dark and barbaric episode of world history today.

“Since we opened in August 2007 we have seen over 4 million people visit a thought provoking, campaigning museum, which wants people to ‘get involved’ and to actively challenge not only the legacies of transatlantic slavery, but modern day forms of slavery and enslavement such as people trafficking and bonded labour”.

The International Slavery Museum highlights the international importance of enslavement and slavery, both in a historic and modern context. Working in partnership with other organisations with a focus on freedom and enslavement, the Museum provides opportunities for greater awareness and understanding of the legacies of enslavement today.

The Museum actively campaigns against issues such as racism and hate crime. It is part of a citywide forum of organisations that tackle this issue and support victims. The Museum is the only museum in the UK which is a designated Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre.


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