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Italian unions break off relations with BNP Paribas subsidiary BNL


Italian unions break off relations with BNP Paribas subsidiary BNL

UNI Global Union’s five Italian affiliates in the finance sector announced on 24 June that they have broken off relations with BNL as the bank continues to block and delay attempts to negotiate over restructuring plans.

BNL, which employs around 11,500 workers in Italy, is purported to be considering outsourcing certain roles at the bank, meaning that affected workers would risk losing their important benefits, rights and working conditions under the collective agreement negotiated by UNI affiliates FABI, FIRST CISL, FISAC CGIL, UILCA and UNISIN.

“Let us be clear: under no circumstances will we allow BNP Paribas and its subsidiary BNL to bypass relations with trade unions and avoid negotiating with us,” said Valerio Fornasari, FIRST-CISL National Coordinator.

BNL CEO, Elena Goitini, has refused multiple requests by the unions for a meeting to discuss the bank’s plans. Instead, BNL has prescribed a compulsory calendar of consultations with management that may or may not lead to a meeting with the CEO at the end of July.

However, unions have rejected this offer, which gives no guarantee of a meeting with the CEO or the opportunity for meaningful dialogue with the company.

Angelo Di Cristo, Head of UNI Finance said:

“We urge BNL CEO, Elena Goitini, to stop disrespecting the bank’s own workers and urgently convene a meeting with unions to discuss the future of employees. It’s just not good enough that a bank with a 100-year history in Italy is rejecting all norms of social dialogue that should be standard for a company of its size and standing.”


UNI Europa