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Loomis workers in Turkey protest against poor conditions and union busting


Loomis workers in Turkey protest against poor conditions and union busting

Workers are calling out company for harassment of union activists and deplorable working conditions


Loomis workers in Turkey have demanded that the company addresses serious issues in the workplace including harassment of union members.

The Swedish Transport Workers’ Union via UNI Global Union, have expressed their concerns about the situation to Loomis management at the company’s headquarters in Sweden.

Eddy Stam, head of UNI Property Services, said, “Loomis cannot be allowed to turn a blind eye to what is going on under its name in Turkey. The company has a responsibility of care towards its entire global workforce, no exceptions.”

In an open letter to the company, workers have described how conditions at Loomis in Turkey are deteriorating. They list a series of issues which urgently need addressing by the company, including irregular pay, health and safety hazards, and mandatory night and weekend work without compensation, far exceeding the legally allowed number of hours per week.  

Those workers who stand up for themselves and their colleagues through their membership of the local union, Güvenlik IS, face victimization and are summarily fired without compensation if they don’t agree to leave the union. The company then hires non-union staff to replace them.


Loomis recently took over G4S operations in Turkey and is in the middle of integrating and consolidating its activities which has caused disruption. After the take-over, Güvenlik IS reached 40% membership density and gained recognition, as required under Turkish law which has been certified by the Ministry of Labour. The company then began victimising union members and started a legal procedure to dispute the recognition of the union.

As signatories to a global agreement with Loomis, both UNI and the Swedish Transport Workers Union reported this situation to the company’s headquarters in Sweden and called for immediate action.


UNI Europa