x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

In 2019 Spring offensive; Japan Postal Group Union (JPGU) manage to negotiate a new retirement age at 65 for the Postal workers commencing from 2020. JPGU made special efforts to narrow the wage gap between the regular and non-standard employees by securing an equal amount of dependent allowance in addition to the increase of JPY 3500 on the basic wage.

Flexi hours of Work, marriage leave for same-sex partners and special leave for volunteers who participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were also negotiated with the management as new benefits for the JPGU members.

JPGU strives hard to regularization of nonstandard employees and securing equal pay for equal work by 1st April 2020 to arrest the widening of pay gaps amongst employees. Nonstandard employees who have worked more than 3 ½ years become eligible for wage hike and increased dependent allowance in Japan Post.  


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