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The All PTV Employees and Workers Union at the Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) has launched a protest against the anti-union activities of the company. Since the appointment of the new managing director Arshad Khan some months ago, the company’s approach to the union has turned adverse. Mr. Khan is demanding the Government of Pakistan as well as the National Industrial Relations Committee to ban the union at PTV, and he is trying to suspend union leaders and activists. The company is also refusing to conduct collective bargaining with the union in good faith and in the spirit of social dialogue and good industrial relations.

To fight these actions, the union has organised a protest with people sitting in the main lobby of the PTV headquarters for three days now.

UNI Global Union is calling on the Prime Minister of Pakistan to intervene to ensure the restoration of good industrial relations and decent working conditions at PTV. In its letter to the Prime Minister, UNI Global Union underlines the importance of social dialogue and a fair bargaining process to the productivity and well-being of company and employees alike.

UNI Global Union, UNI MEI and UNI APRO stand together with the All PTV Employees and Workers Union and support them in their demands for fair and decent working conditions.

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