x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

UNI Global Union stands in solidarity with our Moroccan brothers and sisters in the care sector as they fight against the massive funding cuts and privatization of the CNSS (Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale) polyclinics that the Moroccan government is set to implement in the coming weeks. The Union Marocaine du Travail, (UMT) has been fighting hard during the pandemic to protect these workers, and this privatization will put workers and the public at risk.

“Putting profit above care leads to higher cost, lower levels of people insured, and poorer working conditions for the vital frontline healthcare workers that our societies depend on,” said Adrian Durtschi Head of UNI Global Union’s UNICARE. “We stand in solidarity with the Moroccan Workers Union and those who understand that this plan is an attack on care institutions that will have a devastating impact in the lives of all Moroccans.”

The caregivers of the Moroccan Workers Union have long guaranteed affordable health care for all in Morocco. These men and women play a vital role in the fight against COVID-19 and are demanding that the government provides them with the resources they need to keep the populations safe from COVID-19. 

“Every effort to restart social dialogue and engage in frank and sincere talks with the social partners is essential to find a satisfactory solution,” said Durtschi.