x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

UNI affiliates in Sri Lanka Postal sector protest political interventions established merit-based recruitment procedures in the Sri Lanka Post. Unions agitate holding lunch hour picket rally in front of Post Offices in the urban centers and Central Mail Exchange.


Sri Lanka Post has yet to introduce the Service Operation Regulation (SOR)  negotiated settlement reached, following the nation-wide strike in 2018. Postal employees are frustrated over the deliberate bureaucratic delays and voicing their concerns exercising their collective strength. The introduction of a merit-based recruitment procedure agreed upon as a part of the settlement reached the strike in 2018 as well. Postal Sector Trade Union leaders representing UPTO, NPTWU and SLPTSU had met the Minister of Mass media on 29th March 2021. They could not reach any favourable outcomes as a resolution to their long outstanding issues. The unions overwhelmingly opposed assigning marks to the candidtes chosen based on merits, with political favourations   the  agitational campaign commenced after that.  

Post & Logistics

UNI Asia & Pacific